Op het blog van Gerrit Visser kwam ik deze tekst tegen, en hij spreekt me aan
The title of this posting was taken from Smartmobs and refers to Craigbellamy.net the weblog of Dr Craig Bellamy. I like the perspective that Dr. Bellamy puts blogging in.
"A blog is not an end in itself, it is a way of gaining perspective over-time, a cognitive perspective on what is new, what is useful, and how this can progress our knowledge (and make it new). Fundamental to the advancement of knowledge, is moving through knowledge, sharing knowledge, and imparting an alternative perspective to those who don't look for it and to those who should."
Jammer dat ik lid moet worden van Yahoo om een comment te kunnen posten, niet echt web2.0 wat mij betreft. Vandaar de copy-paste naar hier.
Overigens is deze quote geheel in lijn met van Tim Sanders hierover zegt:
"Love is the act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your knowledge,
networks, and compassion with your business partners. The secret to
being a high-impact leader and the essence of individual and corporate
success: Learn as much as you can as quickly as you can and share your
knowledge aggressively; expand your network of people who share your
values and connect as many of them with each other as possible; and,
perhaps most important, be as openly human as you can be and find the
courage to express genuine emotion in the harried, pressure-filled
world of work. And one last point: Behave this way not because you
expect something in return -- a quid pro quo -- but because it's the
right way to behave. The less you expect in return for acts of
professional generosity, the more you will receive."
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